Medical Weight Loss Program


Thrive Health & Wellness are committed to helping you achieve sustainable weight loss and improve your overall health. Our comprehensive range of weight loss services is designed to address your unique needs and support you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Transform Your Life, Shed the Weight

Medical Weight Loss and Lifestyle Renewal

Customized weight loss treatments are offered at Thrive Health & Wellness. We conduct an assessment to understand your specific needs and develop a tailored medical weight loss strategy to achieve your desired results. If your insurance covers weight loss medications, we assist in obtaining prior authorization for medications like Wegovy or Saxenda promptly.

To qualify for our medical weight loss plan, you should have a BMI of 30 or higher, or 27 with associated conditions such as:

  • hypertension

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • dyslipidemia (high cholesterol)

  • or other relevant health concerns.

Thrive Health & Wellness partners with a private pharmacy for patients without weight loss medication coverage under their commercial insurance. This ensures we can assist more individuals, irrespective of their insurance status.

Thrive Health & Wellness introduces a secure, efficient, and enduring medical weight loss and lifestyle treatment program. Our team at Thrive Health & Wellness will work with you to design a personalized weight loss plan, customized to help you reach your goals

What Is Semaglutide?

Semaglutides: A Breakthrough in Weight Loss

Semaglutides represent a groundbreaking advancement in the field of medical weight loss. These medications are part of a class of drugs known as GLP-1 receptor agonists, which have been shown to be highly effective in helping individuals shed excess weight. By targeting the brain's appetite control centers and slowing down the emptying of the stomach, Semaglutides can lead to reduced calorie intake and, consequently, significant weight loss.

Other Weight Loss Alternatives

  • Appetite Suppressants

  • MIC Shot

  • Lipostat

  • Terzempitide

  • Low Dose Naltrexone

  • Increased fat and weight loss

  • Improved blood sugar control

topless woman with black panty
topless woman with black panty

How it works

Schedule a FREE consultation with our medical provider to determine if you are a candidate.

Get Medication with a personalized plan

Lose Weight! Continue to meet with our medical provider weekly to monitor progress and dosages. Take-home options are available.

  • Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist, a drug that helps control blood sugar levels by making the body produce more insulin and reducing sugar production in the liver.

  • The drug works by binding to GLP-1 receptors in the pancreas and gut. This causes the stomach to empty slower, which keeps sugar levels stable and reduces hunger pangs.

  • As with any other medication or treatment, semaglutide isn’t a replacement for healthy eating and staying active. Patients should eat nutritious meals and exercise daily to manage their weight.

  • Committing to a healthy lifestyle is a vital step. But to see significant improvements, you must dedicate at least three months to your treatment plan. We’ll work with you to schedule regular check-ins where we’ll provide weekly injections and track your progress.

Semaglutide Results

Semaglutide results take time to notice. Those who adopt healthy eating habits, exercise daily and stay consistent with their treatment plan see incredible changes. In a clinical trial, overweight individuals who took 2.4 mg of semaglutide once a week with lifestyle intervention sustained notable weight reduction.

Frequently asked questions

Can I Lose My Love Handle With Semaglutide?

When used correctly, as directed by a reputable provider like Thrive Health & Wellness, semaglutide aids in weight loss all over the body. Yes, this includes the stubborn love handles!

When Will I Notice Weight loss After Semaglutide?

Everyone’s journey toward their weight loss goals is unique. Some people may notice a difference in their bodies after their first semaglutide injection. For others, it might take a little longer and more doses to see results. Take before and after images along the way to track your progress.


Tirzepetite is a revolutionary weight loss solution designed to help individuals achieve their fitness goals effectively and sustainably. It is a prescription medication that works by suppressing appetite and promoting feelings of fullness, making it easier to adhere to a calorie-controlled diet.

Key Benefits of Tirzepetite:

  • Appetite Suppression: Tirzepetite helps reduce cravings and overeating, leading to a lower calorie intake.

  • Increased Energy: Many users experience a boost in energy levels, allowing for more productive workouts and daily activities.

  • Enhanced Metabolism: Tirzepetite can help improve metabolic rate, supporting the body's ability to burn calories efficiently.

  • Sustainable Weight Loss: When combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, Tirzepetite can contribute to long-term weight management success.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN):

LDN is a medication primarily used to manage conditions like autoimmune disorders and chronic pain. However, it has also gained attention for its potential benefits in weight management and overall wellness. LDN works by modulating the immune system and promoting the release of endorphins, which can have positive effects on appetite control and metabolism.

Key Benefits of LDN for Weight Management:

  • Appetite Regulation: LDN may help regulate appetite by influencing the brain's reward system and reducing cravings for high-calorie foods.

  • Inflammation Reduction: By modulating immune responses, LDN can potentially reduce inflammation, which is linked to obesity and metabolic disorders.

  • Improved Mood and Well-Being: The release of endorphins due to LDN can lead to improved mood, motivation, and overall well-being, supporting positive lifestyle changes.

  • Hormonal Balance: LDN may help balance hormones involved in metabolism, such as insulin and leptin, aiding in weight loss efforts.

Vitamin Shots:

Vitamin shots, also known as vitamin injections, are a popular option for individuals looking to boost their nutrient levels quickly and efficiently. These shots deliver a concentrated dose of essential vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for rapid absorption and maximum efficacy.

Key Benefits of Vitamin Shots:

  • Energy Boost: Vitamin shots can provide an instant energy boost, helping combat fatigue and support active lifestyles.

  • Nutrient Repletion: For individuals with nutrient deficiencies, vitamin shots can rapidly replenish vital vitamins such as B12, vitamin D, and antioxidants.

  • Metabolic Support: Certain vitamins and minerals in the shots, such as B-complex vitamins and magnesium, play a role in metabolism and energy production.

  • Immune System Support: A well-nourished body is better equipped to maintain a strong immune system, which is crucial for overall health and wellness.

Additional Services:

In addition to Tirzepetite, LDN, and Vitamin Shots, we offer a range of comprehensive services to support your weight loss journey and overall well-being:

  • Personalized Nutrition Plans: Our nutritionists will create customized meal plans tailored to your goals, preferences, and dietary needs.

  • Fitness Programs: Our certified trainers design workout routines that optimize fat burning, muscle toning, and cardiovascular health.

  • Wellness Coaching: Get guidance on stress management, sleep optimization, and lifestyle habits to enhance your results and long-term success.

At Thrive Health & Wellness, we are committed to providing you with the tools, support, and expertise you need to achieve lasting weight loss, improve your health, and live your best life.

The THRIVE Program

Each patients Weightless Program is unique and completely customizable. We offer several different options for medication.

During your program, you will have access to a nutrition specialist that will help you achieve your ideal weight with nutrition and exercise advice, paired with your semaglutide injections that are provided by Dr. Chatson.

Your Weight Loss Journal, available for purchase for $10 on our storefront, linked on the right, will help you track your goals, weight and give you motivation towards healthy lifestyle changes.

Purchase Your Weight Loss Journal
Contact For Pricing and More Information